Back again, with Homework

I haven’t touched base in a while – so much for doing a monthly blog, lol.

I’m… Ok.

I’ve started counselling, for me the journey continues. I’ve started counselling to bring things to an end. The abuse as a child, the consequences, the court case, the betrayal… Yeah, it’s time to get back to things again.

I have some homework to do, and to share;

Unsure and doubtful,
I walk the path again…
This time unincumbered by the past.
Have I finally let it go?
Can I let it all go?

A good question.

I have taken the first step,
A new path…
Not an old worn one –
But a journey into the unknown,
At least for me.

A journal to finally heal and be whole.

Poem by James Snaith

A short poem, but to the point at the moment.

I am thinking about starting another blog, one that will focus on my creative endeavours. But more on that as I think about it.

Until next time, see you all soon!